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I'm an ELLIS PhD Student at the University of Copenhagen, advised by Prof & Director Serge Belongie. Additionally I'm also part of the Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence and BelongieLab.

Before starting my PhD, I was a visiting student at UC Berkeley and a research intern at BAIR, where I was fortunate to work with Xinyun Chen in Dawn Song's group.

I received my Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the Technical University of Denmark DTU (DTU), where I worked with Prof. Ole Winther Winther and Prof. Morten Mørup. I've also previously been a research intern at Amazon during the fall of 2023 in Seattle working with their visual intelligence team to improve the shopping experience at Amazon, the resulting article is published in ACVC and model is in production. During my Masters I interning at Raffle.ai and worked a Machine Learning Engineer at Corti.

Research Interest

I am broadly interested in Human Computer Interaction, Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision, but more specifically my research deals with on narratives, deep fakes, misinformation and memes

peter_ebert@live.dk GitHub LinkedIn Resume


A Template Is All You Meme
Luke Bates and Peter Ebert Christensen and Preslav Nakov and Iryna Gurevych
NAACL 2025, 2023, 2023
PDF Abstract Bibtex

Prompt, Condition, and Generate; Classification of Unsupported Claims with In-Context Learning
Peter Ebert Christensen, Srishti Yadav, Serge Belongie
arxiv, 2023
PDF Abstract Bibtex

Assessing Neural Network Robustness via Adversarial Pivotal Tuning
Peter Ebert Christensen, Vésteinn Snæbjarnarson, Andrea Dittadi, Serge Belongie, Sagie Benaim
WACV 2024 (ORAL), 2022
PDF Abstract Bibtex Code Website

Searching for Structure in Unfalsifiable Claims
Peter Ebert Christensen, Frederik Warburg, Menglin Jia, Serge Belongie
HCOMP WiP 2022, 2022
PDF Abstract Bibtex Code Website

Volumetric Disentanglement for 3D Scene Manipulation
Sagie Benaim, Frederik Warburg, Peter Ebert Christensen, Serge Belongie
WACV 2024, 2022
PDF Abstract Bibtex Website

Synthesize, Execute and Debug, Learning to Repairfor Neural Program Synthesis
Kavi Gupta, Peter Ebert Christensen, Xinyun Chen, Dawn Song
NeurIPS 2020, 2020
PDF Abstract Bibtex Code

A Deep Learning Approach to Short Term Blood Glucose Prediction based on Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data
Ali Mohebbi, Alexander Johansen, Nicklas Hansen, Peter Ebert Christensen, Morten Mørup
IEEE EMBC 2020, 2020
PDF Abstract Bibtex Code

Autoencoding undirected molecular graphs with neural networks
Jeppe Olsen, Peter Eber Christensen, Martin Hansen, Alexander Rosenberg Johansen
arxiv, 2019
PDF Abstract Bibtex Code


Below you can find a list over Internships I've been doing so far

Research Internship at Amazon.com
Applied scientist Intern, turn photos from from third party sellers into professional looking ones using SOTA Segmentation, Matting and image generation models.
Fall, 2023

Internship at Raffle.ai
Machine learning Intern, build text2sql models
July, 2019
Code Website

Teaching and talks

Below you can find some of the material I used for courses and workshops where I have teached.

KU course ndak12002u Vision Image Processing
Programming Exercises (PyTorch) for the Deep Learning Graduate Course at the University of Copenhagen running in the Block 2 of 2022

DTU course 02456 Deep learning
Programming Exercises (PyTorch) for the Deep Learning Graduate Course at the Technical University of Denmark running in the Fall of 2019, 2020 and 2021

Neural AI
Explaining Reinforcement Learning for more than 200 people at the Technical University of Denmark during a Neural AI event